Audiovisual Lectures for Novice Programmers

The other day, a student asked me if I would recommend freely-available online digital audiovisual lectures  for those students who are learning programming for the first time.  I can point out three sources I have used myself and to say the least, I have been inspired.  Over the last two years, I have used their teaching techniques and examples in my own 1-credit hour EML3035 Programming Concepts course at the University of South Florida.  I do not have audiovisual lectures but I have several scripts to help you along if you use MATLAB.  Let me know what you think.

1. Harvard’s David Malan: Introduction to Computer Science   

2. MITs duo Eric Grimsom and John Guttag: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming

3. Stanford’s Mehran Sahami Computer Science I: Programming Methodology


This post is brought to you by Holistic Numerical Methods: Numerical Methods for the STEM undergraduate at, the textbook on Numerical Methods with Applications available from the lulu storefront, the textbook on Introduction to Programming Concepts Using MATLAB, and the YouTube video lectures available at  Subscribe to the blog via areader or email to stay updated with this blog. Let the information follow you.

Does the solve command in MATLAB not give you an answer?

In a recent blog about the MATLAB solve command, I mentioned that the solve command was not giving us the unique real solution to a physical problem.  A user at MATLAB suggested declaring the syms variable as real, before using the solve command. That worked.  So if the equation in terms of the variable b is eqnb=0, then use

syms b real;
solve (eqnb,b);


This post is brought to you by Holistic Numerical Methods: Numerical Methods for the STEM undergraduate at, the textbook on Numerical Methods with Applications available from the lulu storefront, the textbook on Introduction to Programming Concepts Using MATLAB, and the YouTube video lectures available at  Subscribe to the blog via a reader or email to stay updated with this blog. Let the information follow you.

Computational Time to Find Determinant Using Gaussian Elimination

The time it would take to find the determinant of a matrix using the Gaussian Elimination is many-many orders less than when the cofactor method is used.  In this blog, we derive the formula for a typical amount of computational time it would take to find the determinant of a nxn matrix using the forward elimination part of the Naive Gauss Elimination method.  The time is compared with that using the cofactor method.
 Computational time to find determinant

Computational time to find determinant

This post is brought to you by Holistic Numerical Methods: Numerical Methods for the STEM undergraduate at, the textbook on Numerical Methods with Applications available from the lulu storefront, the textbook on Introduction to Programming Concepts Using MATLAB, and the YouTube video lectures available at  Subscribe to the blog via a reader or email to stay updated with this blog. Let the information follow you.

Does the solve command in MATLAB not give you an answer?

Recently, I had assigned a project to my class where they needed to regress n number of x-y data points to a nonlinear regression model y=exp(b*x).  However, they were NOT allowed to transform the data, that is, transform data such that linear regression formulas can be used to find the constant of regression b.  They had to do it the new-fashioned way: Find the sum of the square of the residuals and then minimize the sum with respect to the constant of regression b.

To do this, they conducted the following steps

  1. setup the equation by declaring b as a syms variable,
  2. calculate the sum  of the square of the residuals using a loop,
  3. use the diff command to set up the equation,
  4. use the solve command. 

However, the solve command gave some odd answer like log(z1)/5 + (2*pi*k*i)/5.  The students knew that the equation has only one real solution – this was deduced from the physics of the problem. 

We did not want to set up a separate function mfile to use the numerical solvers such as fsolve.  To circumvent the setting up of a separate function mfile, we approached it as follows.  If dbsr=0 is the equation you want to solve, use

F = vectorize(inline(char(dbsr)))
fsolve(F, -2.0)

What char command does is to convert the function dbsr to a string, inline constructs it to an inline function, vectorize command vectorizes the formula (I do not fully understand this last part myself or whether it is needed).

This post is brought to you by Holistic Numerical Methods: Numerical Methods for the STEM undergraduate at, the textbook on Numerical Methods with Applications available from the lulu storefront, the textbook on Introduction to Programming Concepts Using MATLAB, and the YouTube video lectures available at  Subscribe to the blog via a reader or email to stay updated with this blog. Let the information follow you.

Computational Time to Find Determinant Using CoFactor Method

The time it would take to find the determinant of a matrix using the cofactor method can be daunting.  A student may not realize this as they may be limited to finding determinants of matrices of order 4×4 or less by hand.  In this blog, we derive the formula for a typical amount of computational time it would take to find the determinant of a nxn matrix using the cofactor method.
 Computational time to find determinant

Computational time to find determinant

This post is brought to you by Holistic Numerical Methods: Numerical Methods for the STEM undergraduate at, the textbook on Numerical Methods with Applications available from the lulu storefront, the textbook on Introduction to Programming Concepts Using MATLAB, and the YouTube video lectures available at  Subscribe to the blog via a reader or email to stay updated with this blog. Let the information follow you.

A MATLAB program to find quadrature points and weights for Gauss-Legendre Quadrature rule

Recently, I got a request how one can find the quadrature and weights of a Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule for large n.  It seems that the internet has these points available free of charge only up to n=12.  Below is the MATLAB program that finds these values for any n.  I tried the program for n=25 and it gave results in a minute or so.  The results output up to 32 significant digits.

% Program to get the quadrature points
% and weight for Gauss-Legendre Quadrature
% Rule
clear all
syms x
% Input n: Quad pt rule
% Calculating the Pn(x)
% Legendre Polynomial
% Using recursive relationship
% P(order of polynomial, value of x)
% P(0,x)=1; P(1,x)=0;
% (i+1)*P(i+1,x)=(2*i+1)*x*P(i,x)-i*P(i-1,x)
for i=1:1:m
if n==1
% Finding the weights
% Formula for weights is given at
% Equation (13)
for k=1:1:n
    % Calculating P(n+1,x)
    for i=1:1:m
    weights(k)=vpa(2*(1-quadpts(k)^2)/(n+1)^2/ …
    fprintf(‘Quad point rule for n=%g \n’,n)
disp(‘  ‘)
disp(‘  ‘)

This post is brought to you by Holistic Numerical Methods: Numerical Methods for the STEM undergraduate at, the textbook on Numerical Methods with Applications available from the lulu storefront, the textbook on Introduction to Programming Concepts Using MATLAB, and the YouTube video lectures available at  Subscribe to the blog via a reader or email to stay updated with this blog. Let the information follow you.

YouTube Videos on Numerical Methods Cross 1-Million Views Mark

In a short 2.5 years since starting the numericalmethodsguy YouTube channel in January 2009, this month the channel crossed the benchmark of receiving 1 million video views.  Currently the channel gets between 2,500-3,500 video views per day.  Although we have playlists on the channel, the playlist for all the available topics are given on single webpage at

Complete resources on each topic of available numerical methods including textbook chapters, videos, multiple-choice tests, PPTs, and worksheets are  given at

This post is brought to you by Holistic Numerical Methods: Numerical Methods for the STEM undergraduate at, the textbook on Numerical Methods with Applications available from the lulu storefront, the textbook on Introduction to Programming Concepts Using MATLAB, and the YouTube video lectures available at  Subscribe to the blog via a reader or email to stay updated with this blog. Let the information follow you.

A Wolfram demo on how much of a floating ball is under water

Here is another Wolfram demo. This one shows how much of a floating ball would be submerged under water.  The demonstration uses the specific gravity and radius of the ball as inputs.  Using calculus and Archimedes’ principle, the level to which the ball is submerged turns out to be the solution of a cubic equation.  To play with the demo, download the free CDF player from Wolfram first.
This post is brought to you by Holistic Numerical Methods: Numerical Methods for the STEM undergraduate at, the textbook on Numerical Methods with Applications available from the lulu storefront, the textbook on Introduction to Programming Concepts Using MATLAB, and the YouTube video lectures available at  Subscribe to the blog via a reader or email to stay updated with this blog. Let the information follow you.

Order of accuracy of central divided difference scheme for first derivative of a function of one variable

This post is brought to you by
Holistic Numerical Methods: Numerical Methods for the STEM undergraduate at, the textbook on Numerical Methods with Applications available from the lulu storefront, the textbook on Introduction to Programming Concepts Using MATLAB, and the YouTube video lectures available at  Subscribe to the blog via a reader or email to stay updated with this blog. Let the information follow you.