Journal Paper: On Building and Implementing Adaptive Learning Platform Lessons for Pre-Class Learning in a Flipped Course

Our paper was finally published.

Citation: A. Kaw, A. Yalcin, R.M. Clark, R.B. Gomes, L. Serrano, A. Scott, Y. Lou, “On Building and Implementing Adaptive Learning Platform Lessons for Pre-Class Learning in a Flipped Course,” ASEE Computers in Education, Vol 14 (2), 2024,1-23.


Abstract: Research shows active learning improves student performance and narrows the achievement gaps for marginalized groups. One of the active learning strategies is the use of flipped learning. However, flipped classrooms pose challenges due to reluctant student preparation in the pre-class learning requirements and general resistance from students to the modality. To address these challenges for a flipped engineering course in Numerical Methods, adaptive learning lessons that present content, assessment, and feedback based on student engagement and performance were created using a commercial platform for pre-class learning. The paper details how the lessons were developed, implemented in pre-class learning, and revised, creating a framework for other engineering educators who may want to duplicate them. An initial study of student behavior during the lessons showed that a low-performing student made many more attempts at the assessments while spending less time on the accompanying learning materials.


      • The paper discusses the development and implementation of adaptive learning platform (ALP) lessons for pre-class learning in a flipped engineering course on Numerical Methods.
      • The aim is to address challenges in flipped classrooms, such as student reluctance to prepare for pre-class learning and resistance to the flipped learning modality.


      • Active learning has been shown to improve student performance and narrow achievement gaps for marginalized groups.
      • Flipped learning involves moving direct instruction from group learning space to individual learning space, transforming the group space into an interactive learning environment.

Development of ALP Lessons

      • The ALP lessons were developed using the RealizeIT commercial platform.
        The lessons were created to provide personalized and flexible learning by monitoring student progress and performance.
      • The course topics were broken down into individual objectives and nodes, with each node including sections such as introduction, learning objectives, video lectures, textbook content, and assessment.

Implementation and Testing

      • The ALP lessons were implemented and tested in the classroom during Spring 2021.
      • The lessons accounted for 15% of the student’s final course grade and were linked via the CANVAS learning management system.
      • The ALP lessons followed W3C accessibility standards and included features like transcripts for videos and alternative textbook content.

Student Interaction and Behavior

      • The paper presents a case study of student interactions with a specific node in the ALP lessons.
      • Data on student engagement, activity duration, and performance were collected and analyzed.
      • The study found distinct differences in how students with different final course grades interacted with the ALP lessons.

Revisions and Improvements

      • Feedback from students and instructors was used to revise and improve the ALP lessons.
      • Revisions included re-recording video lectures in HD quality, converting textbook content to HTML format, and adding intermediate answers for algorithmic questions.


      • The paper concludes that adaptive learning lessons can effectively improve student preparation and engagement in flipped classrooms.
      • The authors suggest that recognizing unique student behaviors can inform study habits and guide in-class exercises and mini-lectures.

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